5 Second Health Check When Buying a Website

today’s tip of the day what’s the first thing that I look at when evaluating a business to buy well for me it’s graphs I look at traffic graphs I look at net income customer service metrics sales graphs those kinds of metrics to see are they declining are they flat are they growing for me declining graphs in most of those …

Buying a website? What is the technical platform?

today’s question how important is the technology of the website that I’m looking to acquire the answer is is quite important websites that are built on industry-standard technology like wordpress or joomla or on the e-commerce side Shopify other kinds of platforms like that or we’re quite simply easier to fix an…

Why buying a website is a more

starting business from scratch is uncertain at best you’ve heard the statistics after five years only twenty percent of brick-and-mortar businesses are still in business and the figures are even worse for online businesses so one reason that we buy businesses that are already working they already have a product that already …

Hidden expenses when buying a website

today’s answer how do I find out if a seller has forgotten or misrepresented expenses associated with the business well the answer is it’s really a lot of common sense the first thing I would tell you to do is just take a look at the website itself if you see things like 800 numbers customer chat windows free shipping all those …

Why Buying a Website is Easier Than Starting From Scratch

why buy a website instead of building website well the bottom line is it’s just much easier to buy now let me tell you why when you build the website you have to create the product you have to design the website you have to be a marketer a SEO person to attract traffic and administrator product creator a designer all of those hats you ha…