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Did you know that business owners and entrepreneurs are 300% more likely to have ADHD? This fact becomes rather unsurprising when you examine the characteristics of ADHD.
For decades, most folks only associated Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder with the hyper boy who couldn’t seem to sit still in a classroom.
But as it turns out, that same restlessness seen in hyperactive boys is what aids those with ADHD to become brilliant problem solvers, brave risk-takers, rule breakers, innovators, and action-orientated visionaries.
And if that doesn’t sound like a born entrepreneur, I don’t know what does.
I can say, as an ADHD entrepreneur myself, my ADHD traits are responsible for my strongest business assets and my biggest barriers.
I’m a 28-year-old inattentive-type ADHD entrepreneur, writer, artist, and owner of the lifestyle brand BerryLemon. The multifaceted aspect of entrepreneurship is made a bit more challenging because of my executive dysfunction (more on this later).
In this article, I want to explore entrepreneurs with ADHD, executive dysfunction, and the workarounds I’ve found to be indispensable.
The male-focused hyperactive-dominant view of ADHD
Neurologically speaking, ADHD brains are just different from neurotypical (non-ADHD) counterparts. Interestingly, female and male ADHD brains often differ from each other too.
The reason most of us think of ADHD as the hyperactive boy disrupting school lessons is that ADHD boys are more likely to externalize their restlessness, while ADHD girls often internalize it.
Because of this, research and diagnostic tools are often skewed toward the male-dominant hyperactive presentation. But, there is another subset of most often female ADHDers –inattentive ADHD.
Inattentive ADHD is widely underdiagnosed and often missed in young girls. But, these undiagnosed girls grow into young adults who are left wondering why starting tasks, focus, m… Read More
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