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As an entrepreneur, investing in the stock market is likely to appeal as it has the potential to be high risk and high reward – a good match for an entrepreneurial mindset. If you’re just starting out though, how do you know which stocks to buy? 

Let’s take a look at some of the key points to consider when choosing stocks that are going to work for you and your long-term financial plans.

Assess your Attitude to Risk

Understanding your investment style is vital, and a big part of this is how much risk you’re willing to take. As an entrepreneur, you may feel more comfortable taking risks than a lot of people, but it can also depend on factors like your age and retirement plans – if you’re planning on taking early retirement for example, this can impact your choice of stocks.

Try taking this risk questionnaire from Fidelity to help you understand your attitude to risk and your motivations. Once you have a good idea of where on the scale you lie, you can choose stocks accordingly. 

Look at the Global Context

No man is an island, and the same is certainly true of stocks. While their value will be determined partly based on conditions and performance within the company, the broader economic and political climate will play a huge role. You only need to look at the last few years to see this in action – Covid, the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis and soaring interest rates have all played their part.

You’ll be used to this as a business owner, and will likely already have your finger on the pulse of the international economy, but before you buy stocks, it’s useful to check for any upcoming global events that might affect share prices and impact when you should buy. A tool like the economic ca… Read More

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