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Think about your favorite brands. What draws you in and keeps you coming back to them?

Is it the consistent quality of their products or the funny videos they post on social media? Does their customer service team always go the extra mile? Do they champion sustainability or other values that resonate with you?

Chances are, it’s a combination of factors, and branding influences all of them.

Why Businesses Need Branding

Branding helps you communicate what your business does, who it is for, and why it matters.

Strong branding differentiates your business in a crowded market. It fosters recognition, customer loyalty, and trust.

For example, Liquid Death’s product is simple—canned water. On the surface, it’s nothing special—and yet, it last reported over $263 million in sales. Its edgy, sustainable branding attracts loyal customers and stands out from industry titans like Coca-Cola and Nestle.

Successful businesses like Liquid Death, Netflix, and Apple have devoted fanbases because they carefully crafted their brands early on.

As the co-founder of Magic Design, I’ve been part of the branding process for many companies—from creating logos to full brand identities. If you’re wondering how to build the perfect brand for your business, I’ll share six steps anyone can follow.

1. Know Your Target Audience

Who are you trying to reach? Before thinking about a logo or even a business name, you need to understand your target audience.

Your audience informs every part of your business, from product development and pricing to marketing and design.

When doing audience research, go beyond basic demographics like age, gender, and location. Answer questions like:

What do they care about?
What problems do they face?
How does your business solve them?
Which factors influence their buying decision?

To get to know your audience, start with data you already have including customer reviews, Goo… Read More

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