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Dave Will, an EO Boston member, is the host of the EO 360° podcast. As the co-founder and CEO of PropFuel, Dave is a one-of-a-kind entrepreneur dedicated to creating a place for unique conversations with successful founders and business leaders.
In a popular episode of the EO 360° podcast, Dave spoke with Kevin Stoller, EO Arizona member and co-founder and president of Key-Twelve, a company that builds furniture for innovative learning environments that foster collaboration and engagement between students and teachers.
Dave and Kevin’s podcast discussion centers around providing tips for businesses that want to start a podcast that is compelling and entertaining—and ultimately, impacts business.
Ask: Should I start a podcast?
Launching a podcast will require an investment from your business. Before you begin, ask yourself these questions to be sure that a podcast is the right next step for you.
1. What’s your podcast “why”?
Getting a podcast up and running requires time and resources. Investing in a podcast can be worthwhile, but your organization needs to answer this question before you start: Does a podcast make sense within the whole of your marketing strategy? If you are going to spend even one to two hours a month on a podcast, will it pay off better than investing that time elsewhere? If you can answer yes to this question, then a podcast is right for your business.
2. Are you able to commit to it?
Think of podcasting like long-term marketing. Can you commit to doing 100 episodes? Because you won’t get… Read More
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