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Most people feel they know the American Dream. It might not sound quite the same when each individual describes it, but generally speaking, the term means success. It means having wealth, possessions, and living the sweet life.
Some people have that lifestyle purely through chance. Perhaps they marry into a wealthy family, or their family already has generational wealth. However, not many people achieve their dreams this way. Most have to work for it.
How can you become an entrepreneur, though, if you have that goal? Can you realistically do it, or must you admit you will never achieve the legendary status you crave?
Let’s discuss what you can do if becoming an entrepreneur constantly occupies your thoughts.
You Need Seed Money
Entrepreneurs need seed money. This cash infusion helps get you off the ground. Collecting financial damages following a serious car wreck might get you a windfall you can parlay into success, or you might play the lottery. Most would-be entrepreneurs have more realistic ideas for generating their company’s seed money, though.
You might borrow that money if you have a rich relative or friend. You can approach that person and see whether they’re receptive. However, many people don’t have wealthy individuals in their circle. If you don’t, you must explore other options.
To get seed money, you might get a bank or credit union loan. Such loans might appeal because you have a stable entity backing you up. It beats approaching a loan shark or some other shady financier and getting your seed money that way.
You might also approach a venture capital firm or angel investor. They may le… Read More
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