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The theme of this year’s World Mental Health Day on 10 October is “Mental Health is a universal human right.” Yet, even though most entrepreneurs have access to mental health services, and 72% of entrepreneurs report experiencing mental health challenges (versus 48% of the general population), far too few entrepreneurs seek help when mental health issues arise.
We asked EO members about the mental health challenges entrepreneurs endure, and the obstacles, barriers or perceived taboos that can make it difficult to ask for help—especially for those over age 45.
Even Tony Soprano was seeing a shrink
“Mental health was taboo in Central Europe until not long ago. This has changed in my generation. I am 40 years old. Indeed, it’s still a taboo for people a bit older than me, sadly,” says Szymon Boniecki (EO Poland). “Entrepreneurs especially are known to deal with problems by themselves—not asking for help; often forgetting we are just humans.”
“But remember,” Szymon adds: “Even Tony Soprano was seeing a shrink.”
According to recent research by the Business Development Bank of Canada, reported by The Conversation, an increasing number of entrepreneurs are facing a mental health crisis, and age seems to play a key role in whether they seek help. While all entrepreneurs face similar pressures, those under age 45 are twice as likely to ask for mental health support vs. those over age 45. Why is that?
“I’m 56. When I was growing up, there was a big stigma around mental health. Now the stigma is being reduced, which is incredibly helpful because we can acknowledge it, and we don’t have to hide it or be embarrassed,” said Paul Pahoresky (EO Cleveland). “When we have a physical health problem, like a broken bone, it’s no big deal to ask for help. We’re finally moving toward the same thinking about mental health.”
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