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hey everybody Eric wory here welcome to network marketing pro comm the US government just passed a new tax bill a new income tax bill for American citizens and I want to talk to you about what it means for people in network marketing specifically now before I go any farther and tell you what it means and it is significant I do want to just say I understand that people watching and involved in network marketing have different political views both sides of the aisle and whether you agree or disagree with this administration whether you agree or disagree with the tax bill itself what Pete what entrepreneurs do people in network marketing being super entrepreneurs what we do is we respond to the cards that are dealt to us we respond to the circumstances and we are resourceful we take advantage of every circumstance Jim Rohn was one of my early mentors and what he said is it’s not the government that’s going to make it happen for you one way or the other it’s you as the entrepreneur being resourceful with whatever situation that you’re dealt with and things don’t change that much you have to change versus trying to you know change the government you can do that if you want or you could just try to change yourself and take advantage of the situations that are presented to you okay does that make sense so inside of network marketing what does this all mean here’s what it means like I said regardless of your political views this is a huge win for entrepreneurs this is a huge win specifically for business owners small business owners and guess what because of network marketing people who decide to become a business owner now it appears and I will just say it appears that people from virtually every category including w-2 wage earners are going to benefit from this this proposed not proposed this enacted tax plan but here’s what I will tell you w-2 earners are by far the least beneficiaries of this plan small business owners 1099 income earners small business solopreneurs entrepreneurs mid-sized business big businesses they’re gonna benefit dramatically because that tax rate is brought down so small for businesses now I’m not a tax advisor and I’m not giving you a tax advice I’m not qualified to do that but here’s what I will tell you when you do talk to your tax advisor I think what you’re going to find is for you as entrepreneurs first I’ll talk talk to you and then I’ll talk about prospects second to you as entrepreneurs you have the ability already to have business deductions through your business that are more difficult for a w-2 wage earner in order to be able to enjoy those same benefits but second the ability to have the income pass through to you at a much lower tax rate gives you a huge amount of found money depending on your income level if you’re a high level in network marketing distributor if you’re earning six figures and above the benefits to you are enormous even if you’re earning at a low level the benefits to you are significant for most of you the tax savings alone the tax savings alone of being in business for yourself is going to be more than worth whatever it is that you spent to get involved in your network marketing opportunity and and to stay actively involved in your network marketing opportunity so the benefits are absolutely enormous now here’s the second benefit in 2018 and beyond if you don’t start your own small business if you don’t start a business for yourself and become an entrepreneur if you’re a w-2 wage earner someplace else and you don’t decide to become an entrepreneur and and start your own business you’re literally throwing money away it is it is such a benefit and those of you involved in network marketing you need to talk to your prospects about this it is such a benefit to become an entrepreneur and because of the tax savings as one small benefit now there’s a list of other benefits as we know being at being an entrepreneur working for yourself but the tax savings alone is is worth the consideration to become an entrepreneur now if you’re going to become an entrepreneur you could decide to start your own small business the average the United States it’s sixty five thousand dollars to start a traditional small business on average in the United States today you could do that or you might decide to take a look at network marketing network marketing now does approximately two hundred billion dollars a year in revenue network marketing which pays out approximately two hundred million dollars a day in commissions network marketing has created a platform for people with a very low price of entry and a very high potential upside depending on your effort but regardless the tax benefits alone for getting involved are tremendous so like I said whichever side of the aisle you find yourself on just know this network marketing might not be perfect but it’s better being in business for yourself might have its challenges might not have as much support as your w-2 income but it’s better for a whole myriad of reasons and now you can add tax benefit reasons to that list so those of you that are involved already congratulations those of you who are yet to consider getting involved now’s a really good time all right that’s our show for today ladies gentlemen my wish for you is that you decide to become a network marketing professional that you decide to go pro because even though network marketing isn’t perfect it’s sure better if you have an entrepreneurial bone in your body it’s have a great day everybody see you later bye-bye hey my name is Eric War II and if you’re involved in the network marketing profession I want to invite you to come to the network marketing Pro YouTube channel every week we put out content on how you can become a network marketing professional we have tips ideas strategies interviews with million-dollar earners in the profession interviews with global icons like Tony Robbins or Sir Richard Branson lots of different things that we provide they’re absolutely free do yourself a favor click on the lake subscribe to the YouTube channel tell your friends to do the same and I can’t wait to see you there
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