Lessons Learned | Don’t start small, start BIG!

This Post: Lessons Learned | Don’t start small, start BIG!

was put together by our team of editors who are
Business Review Consultants that give their expert recommendations, on the latest business software & tools that have been launched onto the market.

When we publish the latest money making opportunity or business software review on how to start an online business,

we will give you our complete analysis on the most popular software product tools. We will expose the most profitable online systems that top internet marketers don't want to share with you.


We reveal some of the most Powerful web programs  That have recently been launched onto the market that will help those starting an online enterprise or setting up new revenue streams.
We will test these software apps, to examine every feature of the tool, making sure its delivering results.


All the videos we post on our constantly updated blog,

just like Lessons Learned | Don’t start small, start BIG! that your about to watch,

will give you the competitive edge in your online business ventures,

that are targeted towards those interested in using the best tools on the market, that will help you start an online enterprise or run a profitable Home Based Business Franchise, using the most powerful web tools.

Our Product review team


Convert all of our highly valuable video reviews, found in every one of our regularly updated blog review tutorials, that can be found in how to start an online business,

Into a video transcript using the latest cutting edge techniques in video transcribing, for you to get the most out of these excellent video resources, that will help you to be a smarter digital entrepreneur to review later.

This transcribed content further down, on this post about Lessons Learned | Don’t start small, start BIG!, can then act as a reference guide or refresher transcript that you can browse over,

after you have viewed the video so that you can review each action step in more detail.





Our how to start an online business Blog Tutorial Post Featuring Lessons Learned | Don’t start small, start BIG!

The draft copy of the transcoded video text is posted underneath Lessons Learned | Don’t start small, start BIG!, To Highlight the video's Blueprint in your analysis of the how to start an online business sector



[Music] so you may infer my story on going after a niche market but what you probably missed in that market and that story was that the first time that I got was 1.5 million you know what happens when you get a 1.5 million dollar contract people stop insulting you with projects that are 10 20 or $30,000 not that there’s anything wrong with those projects it’s just a puts you at another plateau another level where people start to expect that you’re this multi-million dollar contractor and that’s what you want people to believe so what I wanted to tell you today is go after the largest contract that you can find Donald Trump said before he became president he said somehow when you go after things that are much bigger it attracts better type of people there are quality people better suppliers and I found them to be true in my experiences the larger the project the less headaches that I have and that’s what me personally when I work with smaller projects smaller people then they’re always they need money they need things they need help they need assistance they don’t have a team they need to learn got teaching they show them that help want the paperwork but when I go after a really large project guess what I get higher quality people higher quality teams high quality team members and also I get people in companies that are excited to work with you because why they see you as being something substantial something of substance and important so again if you have the option if you have the ability don’t start small start big and that’s what I want to tell you today go after the biggest baddest contract that you keep puts your hands on put the team together and make it happen [Music] hey guys do you like that video you liked what you saw click the subscribe button to my left to subscribe to my youtube channel also we’ve got a bunch of goodies for you below ATS core contracts comm /resources stay tuned for this next upcoming video [Music]



We do hope you have enjoyed this Review blog post,
which looks more closely into Lessons Learned | Don’t start small, start BIG!

how to start an online business

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Running a business in today's economic climate, especially with more new start-ups coming online, can pose challenges to your online presence; by making it harder to reach a larger audience of potential prospects.

Knowing the latest developments,

 relating to all different sectors of the business landscape,
 in the form of constantly
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especially targeted for the online Business Investor,

is what you should be paying close attention too,
 that could influence your decision making, in growing your company to another level.


Here are a few interesting business news stories, that we thought could open up new possibilities, by analyzing how this story brings new vision to your own business practise Or ideas for your next business development project in this business sector on : how to start an online business



