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Is your home overwhelmed with kid-clutter? With four kids, you can bet I’ve spent my fair share of time tripping over kids’ toys and finding legos in my furniture. There have been times I have wanted to toss it all, but what if there was a better way? I’m sharing my best tips for how to sell used toys online in this article.



When you feel like your home is being over-run with kids’ toys, it might be time to thin out what your children own, especially the items that are no longer seeing use. Most people think donating everything is the best way to rid your clutter. But if you have items in great shape, you could earn some cash for them. (And I’m not talking about sitting outside all day on a Saturday waiting for someone to offer you a $1 at your yard sale, either!) The 6 best ways to sell toys online as well as some tips for doing so are listed below.

I don’t always wait until I feel overwhelmed with toys or kids’ clutter in our home; sometimes I set regular during the year to do this. One tradition I started a few years ago was minimizing my kids’ toys before Christmas. 

Best Ways to Sell Used Toys Online:
1.) Evaluate Before You Sell Toys Online

Before you sell anything you will want to take an inventory of what you have.

Pull together all the toys that you would like to sell and give them a close evaluation.
Is anything broken or missing pieces? If there are missing pieces, do a thorough search for them and (hopefully) locate them before you decide what to sell.  Anything that is broken or missing pieces should be donated or tossed out.
Give everything a good cleaning. Do not try to sell anything with dust or dirt on them.
Bonus Tip: Sometimes toys or board games … Read More

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