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Since the pandemic began in 2020, many companies have moved toward hybrid and remote working arrangements. Yet even seasoned leaders find it challenging to recognize and appreciate their virtual employees fully. Is it any wonder that Gallup research shows worker engagement levels keep shrinking? It’s a problem, especially in a tight labor market where finding and retaining talent takes a lot of work and resources. 

Though there are various ways to improve employee engagement across remote teams, employee recognition programs can help. Case in point: When asked by Pew Research why they recently left jobs, 57% of respondents cited “disrespect“ as a minor or primary reason. It is easy to imagine that some unhappy individuals might have been persuaded to stay had they been acknowledged for their contributions by the leadership.

Of course, it can take a lot of work to understand how to show appreciation for workers who go above and beyond, particularly if they are scattered geographically. You need to design and nurture employee recognition programs that are impactful in online settings. Below are three proven strategies engineered to ensure remote staffers feel like the essential contributors they are.

1. Recognize virtually: Start meetings with sincere praise

Instead of launching right into business during your weekly Zoom team check-ins, begin by highlighting the excellent work you have seen or heard about. For example, share a customer’s review about a team member. Or, you could publicly thank someone for picking up extra tasks for a colleague who took a few days of unplanned PTO.

Initially, this might seem unusual. The practice will become part of your team’s culture with time and consistency. Open the floor to peer-to-peer praise during your meetings. Keep the kudos to approximately five minutes, but always launch into your conversation with some positivity.

2. Monthly recognition: “Employee of … Read More

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