Heres A Quick Way To Solve A Problem in your own Online Start-Up

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Collaboration is the key to success in today’s interdependent economy. It begins at the grassroots level — collaboration with your employees, bringing them into your strategic vision as partners.

It is also vital in peer-to-peer relationships, as you discover new opportunities for collaboration with businesses in your sector and beyond. And, increasingly, collaboration is essential with another influential partner — government, at all levels.

David Barrick intuitively understands this. An experienced municipal manager, he led Brampton, Ontario, Canada’s ninth-largest city through the challenges of the pandemic, while supervising 6,000 employees and managing an annual operating budget of over $750 Canadian dollars.

There, he presented responsible budgets, increased the City’s reserves and maintained its AAA credit rating while property taxes increases remained at zero for four years. He worked constructively with a wide array of community stakeholders. In addition to his role in government, he sought new challenges in the private sector, founding successful businesses that include retail and property management services and an online subscription based database to help companies and consumers find green alternatives that are beneficial for the environment.

He is also a strategic business consultant, guiding organisations during times of transition focusing on complete service inventories and development of KPI’s for the municipal sector.

This background has positioned him at the intersection of public-private collaboration, which is where some of the best business opportunities are to be found. It wasn’t always that way, of course; in the United States, the great titans of nineteenth and early… Read More

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