How To Convert Leads Into Sales For Your Affiliate Marketing Business!

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Our Affiliate Business Blog Tutorial Post Featuring How To Convert Leads Into Sales For Your Affiliate Marketing Business!

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hey guys what’s going on Aaron Chen I hope you’re doing well if you’re watching this video right now you might be doing a bit of research maybe on YouTube about how to convert leads into sales okay so in the next few minutes you’re going to learn how to do that if you this is the first time you are watching one of my videos I actually come up with content that talks a little bit more about how you can profit more inside of your online business so consider subscribing if you want and you can check it out at any time by clicking the link below ok so let’s talk about how to convert leads into sales this is more specifically for online business ok so if you’re in an offline business you can implement some of these strategies but you might have to tweak them a little bit a lot of what I do is online it’s you know through internet marketing mainly through you know something called affiliate marketing but it doesn’t matter you can sell you know your or you know others other other people’s stuff or your own stuff you know or clickbank stuff JV zoo warrior forum other marketers stuff it doesn’t really matter as long as you’re selling other people’s stuff or you’re selling something online whether it’s a product or service you can implement these strategies ok so the first thing that you know you really need to understand is that you need to generate a lot of leads right so lead flow is very very important so if you don’t have a good lead flow then you can just you know everything that I’m gonna talk about today is just gonna be thrown out the window alright because you must have good lead flow in order for you to convert those potential customers into customers right and so lead flow I would say that you know if especially if you’re you’re marketing some sort of business online you need to be shooting for I mean you can start you know low you can start with 10 leads per day 20 leads per day but you definitely want to go to you know 50 to 100 leads every single day you want to get to that point okay or 100 plus 100 plus leads every single day so if you’re not even at 5 leads a day then focus on getting 5 leads a day and then once you get 5 leads a day focused on getting 10 and then 20 and then 30 and and 40 and 50 but that’s you know this is the range that you should really be shooting for because otherwise you’re not gonna give yourself enough potential customers in order for you to generate good sales on the back end okay now I’m not gonna talk a little I’m not gonna talk so much about how to get leads today but remember that there are a lot of different ways that you can get leads online you know you can you can do banner ads you can do it so I do a lot of YouTube marketing and if you click on the link below under my name you can check out my channel and I’ve got a few playlists in there where I talk about specifically about generating leads okay so if you’re having problems with generating leads you can just go into my channel and look for that playlist that talks about traffic and I’ve got like you know 10 or so videos that talk about different traffic strategies that you can start to implement okay but you know this pay-per-view there’s pay-per-click obviously this there’s um sorry pay-per-view pay-per-click there’s Facebook there’s a lot of stuff okay tons and tons of the solo ad stuff like that okay so leave flow is very important right so once you’ve got your lead flow down okay you have to capture that information you have to capture your leads right and the way that you capture your leads is through an autoresponder okay and there are a lot of different autoresponders on the market I use get response but there’s a weber let me see there is this convert kit there’s Infusionsoft I mean there’s so many okay so so look we’re not gonna get stuck on that but understand that you must capture your your traffic otherwise you can’t follow up with them right so you might need to create a database of people and then the third thing which is really really important and this is where the magic happens right this is where a lot of affiliate marketers a lot of internet marketers a lot of people that do business in general right this is where they fall short okay they think that as soon as someone enters into the restaurant into their business into their online business they think that what they have to do is just sell them straightaway right but if you keep selling people straightaway then what’s gonna happen is it’s gonna repel people and people aren’t gonna want to buy your stuff okay so it’s it’s key here that you look after those people it’s kind of like a garden right and I like to use this analogy imagine if you had a garden and all you did and you did you kind of neglected that garden alright so you didn’t do anything you didn’t water the plants you didn’t trim the hedges you didn’t fertilize the soil nothing right what’s gonna happen well that garden is basically gonna grow weeds the fruit it’s gonna rot you know grass is just gonna grow over you know all all over the place okay and it’s just gonna look really really horrible right but if you tend to that garden every single day if you cultivate it if you take care of it if you trim it if you water it if you fertilize it what’s gonna happen well you’re gonna have a beautiful garden right now your database okay database of potential customers okay because they’re not your customers yeah all the odds their leads right they haven’t bought from you they’re window shopping right now but they haven’t physically bought anything from you yet well that database of potential customers that you’ve captured now inside of you know one of these autoresponders you need to look after them you have to cultivate them you have to take care of them and look after them right so instead of selling to them what you need to do is you need to add value to their lives okay and the way that you add value to their lives and I’ve spoken about this a lot in some of my other trainings right I call it the value series but the easier way to kind of understand this is all you need to do is teach them something right so if you if you do something that I call share train teach teach what will happen automatically his people will see you as a credible expert okay doesn’t matter how much you know or you don’t know all right so whether you’re just getting started today in your business and your online business affiliate marketing whatever it is you know even if you know just a little bit more than somebody else that comes into your sales funnel it doesn’t matter because they’re gonna automatically assume that you’re the expert if you do this strategy properly if you share train and teach then what they want to know about their business or what they’re trying to the problem that they’re trying to solve they automatically see you in in a in a completely different light okay that’s very very important here now something else that I want to that I want to share with you guys some of the other strategies that you can use as well is you can also create okay a Facebook group right so you can create a free Facebook group and you can invite people who are on your database on your list alright and you can drop them an email and say hey listen I’ve created a free Facebook account Facebook group where I hang out with all my all my peeps right and if you if you you know give them the benefit of why they should hang out in that Facebook group right if you add yourself here it’s free oh you know it’s obviously free charge you anything if you come and hang out I’m gonna literally teach you strategies every single day that will help you get closer to your goals okay and as you amass more people onto this Facebook group now you’ve got a captive audience right you’ve got a group of people you know it starts with five people but it might end up with you know five hundred people on there who knows right over a thousand ten thousand right and every day you just add videos on there and you train your people you engage them you ask questions you take polls you do surveys and then every once in a while you drop in a sale right so you’re like giving a value value value value and you’re like listen guys I’m looking for five people to join my business or listen this is a great product that I I’m you know having a promotion on right now check it out and then you drop it in that Facebook group and what’s what’s happening here is you’re cultivating a group of people outside of your list so you’ve moved people from your database to a Facebook group and you’re cultivating on this so now you’re hitting people on multiple point does that make sense right this is huge okay but it’s very important that you do this well because if you just have a Facebook group and you’re just selling them again it’s not effective okay so think about the garden analogy right so Facebook is just another garden maybe it’s a different property that you have in the different part of your town right but you’ve got to cultivate it as well and another cool little trick that I’m gonna you know show you right now and then we’ll wrap this video up is you need to keep you need to keep in touch with your potential customers right and the way that I do that okay is through email and facebook Messenger so what I do is as I tell people I might listen if you’re enjoying this stuff that you’re learning right now all you need to do is reply to this email and I’ll reply to you or you can drop me a message on facebook Messenger and I’ll reply now most internet marketers don’t do this in fact ninety nine percent don’t do this right so if you allow people to contact you in a controlled environment the way that you want them to connect with you then you can spend fifteen minutes in the morning I don’t really spend more than that honestly fifteen minutes half an hour replying to emails replying on facebook Messenger and just that interaction with your potential leads your potential customers will convert them to sales because now they know that you’re a real person you’re not a robot you’re not some big corporation that’s not gonna care about their customers then that you care about their customers and remember okay especially when it comes actually any business right business is a people thing okay so internet marketing affiliate marketing it’s a people business right so if people know that there’s a real human being behind the computer behind the keyboard then that that trust is gonna build and when that trust builds that’s how you convert your leads into sales listen it’s all about this right it’s all about trust okay that’s what it really comes down to if you want to sell products on the internet properly you have to build trust first if you can’t build trust nobody’s gonna buy from you it doesn’t matter how amazing your promotion is or or anything like that they’re not gonna buy from you alright so listen I hope you enjoyed this training today just a quick one today I’m actually traveling right now so I’m about to head out to snowboard on the slopes but I just wanted to sneak this in listen I hope you enjoy this let me know in the comments below if you are trying any of these strategies have you ever tried this Facebook strategy before this Facebook group strategy give it a shot okay let me know how it goes if you like this video today appreciate some thumbs up so you can do that and listen if this is the first time you’re watching my stuff or maybe the hundredth time but you’re not on my list you’re not getting my training if you want to learn all this stuff in a lot more detail okay all you have to do is click on the link right below this video it will lead to my website enter your best email address there and I’ll send you a four day training that will show you how to do this stuff properly okay now if you’re on your mobile phone click on the arrow on the on the right hand side okay and you’ll review that link then you can click on it and get access to my training there so again take care all the best in your business let’s speak soon and take care



We do hope you have enjoyed this Review blog post,
which looks more closely into How To Convert Leads Into Sales For Your Affiliate Marketing Business!

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