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Several months ago, I announced a big goal publicly: my company, Seattle Chocolate, would be carbon negative by 2024. It was ambitious, bold, and seemingly out of reach—which is precisely how I knew it was the right goal to set.

Sustainability is a key focus for my business today, but it wasn’t always the case. Like most entrepreneurs, I spent the first years focusing on survival. I had a vision to make the world a better place through chocolate—but in order for any of that to happen, the company had to be financially sustainable.

It took 10 years to get our business profitable and stable. Slowly, I began shifting my focus to using the company as a vehicle to make a mark in the world—one that would outlive me.

I’ve always been a “tree hugger” at heart. Spending the last 36 years in the Pacific Northwest among remarkable landscapes created a connection to the planet. Sustainability became a natural choice: it would be one way I would leave a legacy through chocolate.

Whether you are thinking about legacy or not, our businesses are incredible vehicles we can use to make an impact on the world around us.

Here are some of the practices I’ve leveraged to inspire our company’s sustainability impact.

Motivate with hope, not fear

Years ago, I attended the Natural Product Expo (a cornerstone trade show in the natural consumer packaged goods world). I sat in a crowd and listened to a fantastic keynote speaker. One sentence resonated with me: “We have 100 months left before the damage from global warming is irreversible.”

These facts and statistics can be sobering. Many people often have a visceral reaction to them, almost feeling burdened with guilt and fear about the current state of the environment. A worry that the earth is going to implode and become uninhabitable quickly sets in.

Returning from that trade show, I was filled with a sense of urgency—… Read More

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