How To Make Your Web Startup Attract New Customers in Days

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NEW MANAGERContributed by Dr. Gleb Tsipursky, an internationally-renowned thought leader in future-proofing and cognitive bias risk management and an EO 360° podcast guest. We asked Dr. Tsipursky to explain how companies can help employees adapt and thrive to hybrid return-to-office scenarios. Here’s what he shared:

Organizations will need to pivot their corporate cultures if they wish to survive and thrive in the world of virtual collaboration after the pandemic. The most significant changes will stem from the wide-scale and permanent shift to hybrid and fully-remote work modes.

Between 65 and 75 percent of employers intend to keep a mainly hybrid schedule, with a minority of staff fully remote. Combining hybrid and full remote work largely matches what employees want their work schedules to look like.

To adapt to the hybrid and remote future of work, leaders must benchmark and adopt best practices based on external research, as I learned from interviewing 47 mid-level and 14 senior leaders whom I guided through the transition to the future of work.

Why corporate culture suffered during the pandemic

Culture refers to the social and emotional glue that bonds employees together into a community of belonging, motivates employees and protects against burnout. It includes the norms and practices that determine how people collaborate. It also involves the values that guide the community of your employees into the increasingly disrupted future.

During pandemic lockdowns, companies quickly shifted to working from home. Numer… Read More

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