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The first step to getting out of debt is building your emergency fund. There’s a reason why this is common wisdom in the world of personal finance. Learning how to save $1,000 fast can help to lower your financial anxiety and build your confidence. It’s so critical because an emergency fund will take the hit when you get a flat tire, or when a medical bill pops up out of nowhere, or when rent or property taxes spike unexpectedly. 

Rather than reaching for your credit cards, this emergency stash is a shock absorber that will keep you from sinking further into debt. Some months, you’ll find that your energy goes toward refilling this account after it has taken a hit. Other months, forget it exists (unless you’re tempted to take on new debt for a truly unexpected need). 


How to Save $1,000 Fast

A general consensus for your goal emergency fund balance hovers around $1,000. I’ll state here that you’ll want to consider your personal situation when setting the bar: if you’re part of a family of eight, that $1,000 probably isn’t going to pull you from the weeds when you need it. So if you have a large family or live in a particularly expensive city, or simply know that $1k won’t cut it, come up with a number that works best for your lifestyle. If that flat tire, medical bill, and rent hike all hit in one month, could $1,000 cover you?

Maybe it would only cover two of the three scenarios, but it’s definitely a start. In this article, I’ll give you some tips on how to bank $1,000 quickly, and get on with your debt-payoff journey.


The mother of all closet cleanouts

When was the last time you Marie-Kondo-ed your clothing closet? Looked through your shoes and handb… Read More

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