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India, a country full of tradition, religion and spirituality, also has hundreds of peculiarities and curious customs that are quite unheard of for most Western travelers.

Let’s embark together on a journey into the past, where you will witness some of the fascinating episodes in the history of the Asian country. 

Did you know that people have practiced advanced surgery in India since ancient times?

If you think that plastic surgery is a modern convenience, you are in for a big surprise. Indians have been practicing it for more than 2,500 years, specifically since the 6th century B.C. At that time, an outstanding physician named Sushruta was living there. He is one of the fathers of surgery for a good reason: his book “Sushruta Samhita” is a real gem covering over 1100 diseases, all kinds of medicinal plants, and dozens of surgical procedures. But what is probably the most fantastic thing about the book is that he described the surgical reconstruction of the nose that we practice today.

They mark children’s faces

It is common to see Indian babies and children with drawings on their faces and eyes painted black. This tradition is intended to protect them from the evil eye and evil spirits, making them lose their perfection and innocence and stop attracting evil spirits.

The first civilizations as we know them today were born there

Civilized urban life as we know it emerged 5,000 years ago in India. 

 Of course, they didn’t have Wi-Fi, but the Indus Valley Culture was one of the most advanced in the ancient world. 

The Encyclopedia of Ancient History explains that by 2600 B.C., dozens of developed towns and cities belonged to that civilization. Houses had baths and wells, and each town had a drainage system. Social conditions were also better than those of other civilizations of the time. In addition, they had a mysterious writing system yet to be decipher… Read More

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